TD Application Turnaround Time

I sent in my club level app 2 months ago and haven’t heard anything. Anybody know how long this usually takes?


Dear Thunderchicken,

<Technically this means after you have submitted it, you’re a director? I applied for Club level status back in 1997, which expired in 2000. Can I go ahead and run a tournament?>

It is emphatically NOT true that you are a TD by virtue of merely submitting a request to become certified. There are many reasons why any particular request might be denied. Your USCF membership may not be current; You may have been a Club TD in the past (Club TD is not renewable), etc. Solutions can almost always be found to these problems, but in the mean time the applicant is NOT a certified TD.

You said that you were a Club TD from 1997 to 2000. Since Club certification is not renewable, you should take the test and move up to Local TD (assuming, of course, that you meet the requirements outlined in chapter 7 of the Rule Book). If, for example, you do not meet the experience requirements, we can usually arrange to extend your Club certification for as many weeks or months as it takes for you to meet this requirement, and then you can take the Local TD exam.

I suggest that you phone me at extension 182 so we can discus your situation.

Larry Pond

I sent a webpage query to the Federation for instructions on upgrading to Local TD about a month ago and never heard back either…


I’ve been waiting for almost a month to hear…anything. I’m going to go ahead and organise a swiss for May and send in the report. I doubt USCF is going to turn down $$.

If anyone is still out there, here’s the latest update. I’ve received nothing in the mail, but according to the MSA site as of March 26th, 2004 I’m a Club Level Director. So it looks like 2.5 months or so processing time.

Hopefully I’ll get my card in the mail soon.

Well, my web query has gone unanswered lo these many weeks…


Once you have sent in your application, you may begin organizing your tournaments. I would allow at least one month after application before actually dating the events and directing them. Send in the tournament report for rating and USCF will most probably rate the event. You might want to indicate on the report that your TD status is “applied/pending”. Send a brief note along with the report that you have, in fact, applied for the Club Level TD status, but that you have not yet received your certificate (card). There shouldn’t be any problems. If there are, USCF will let you know, but will still generally rate the report.

With the USCF office being short staffed right now, we can all expect some delays. USCF is moving it’s office to Tennessee, and is making quite a number of reorganizing moves. Be patient, and I’m sure they will accept your reports.

As another poster suggested, USCF shouldn’t have any problems accepting $$.

Thunderchicken, I would say that your interpretation of that is generally correct.


Card arrived in the mail yesterday, March 29th.

I may have inadvertently given some bad advise here. Please be advised that I am not in any way connected with the USCF office. I’m just a fellow TD trying to help.

The best solution may be to simply wait for USCF to send you your card before running an advertised rated tournament. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for encouraging non-certified TDs to run tournaments where money is being taken in, and then for some reason USCF not rating the event.

I believe that a more reasonable response here is to “please be a bit more patient with USCF before running your first event”.


OK Terry, if they don’t send it to me before my May tournament, I’ll drive down and get you in evansville :slight_smile:

Dave, did you request a renewal of your expired certificate?

Also, where’s the beef? :slight_smile:

I faxed in the form off uscf’s website, but haven’t heard a response. I’ve tried to email them many times also, without a response.

Kind of discouraging that people don’t reply to their email, since by me running tournaments, USCF makes money…

That’s what I say! Its sort of discouraging when people don’t reply to webmail generated from their own website form…


First, let me apologize for the delay processing Club TD applications. It is true that some have been waiting as much as two months. Right now, all applications received more than two weeks ago have been processd, and I expect to keep that well caught up.

If we allow one week for the mail to & from your home, you should now expect to receive your TD ID card with some training material within three weeks after you mail your application. If you haven’t heard from me by then, it is time to phone me at extension 182. I work part-time, but if I am not here to answer your call, leave a message and i will get back to you.

Larry Pond

Wow, I totally missed this response from Mr. Pond. Thanks for your reply regarding this topic, Larry, and I apologize to all for giving my earlier bad advise.


I suggest that you phone me at extension 182 so we can discus your situation.

What’s the full number?


I didn’t see that as well. I guess I don’t go and look at my own posts…

I sent a webpage query to the Federation for instructions on upgrading to Local TD about a month ago and never heard back either…

I try to respond to requests to upgrade within one week. Usually this means mailing the appropriate exam. Anyone who has not heard back from me in ten days should contact me again, perhaps by phoning extension 182.

I notice that you have a provisional rating. You may request the Local exam when you have an established rating.

Larry Pond

Oh, that’s right. I forgot about the requirement regarding my own rating. You said that Club TD certification can sometime be extended until all requirements are met. How do I apply for the extension?


Just give Larry a call. He was very helpful and got me squared away.