How long for TD certification application to be processed


I apologize for the newbie question, but I recently faxed my application for certification as a Club Tournament Director and was wondering about how long I can expect to wait before my application will be processed.

(It’s only been about four days, so I’m probably just being impatient, but if I’m wondering, I’m probably not the only one.)


It should not take too long. Larry Pond is the fellow that takes care of this kind of request at the USCF office once it reaches his desk. Larry is a part time employee. He usually gets things rolling the same day he gets a request. If you do not hear something (snail mail) within two weeks let Larry know. You can also check your MSA data on-line to see if you have been certified yet (tnmt. Dir. tab).

Tim Just
Chair, Tournament Director Certification Committee

How long should it take for someone to get the results back from taking the test for Local TD? I’ve been directing events for a friend while he waits for the results of his local test to come back. He said he sent it over a month ago.

Your friend should contact Larry Pond,

I thought he was pretty caught up on those.

I faxed mine in and got added as a club TD in about two days. USCF doesn’t email or fax you back to notify you. Just check your MSA record. Look at the tournament director tab, and you’ll see you are a club director and you’ll see an expiration date.

After that, it took about five minutes to get a password for the TD/affiliate support area.

A few days after this I got a packet of useful tournament director stuff in the mail–wasn’t even expecting that.

All in all, I was pleasantly impressed with the service and the quick response.

I just checked your MSA-TD tab and found you have been certified as a Club TD.

The MSA info is probably going to be updated faster than any snail mail notification.


It appears your certification was updated on Nov 17, the day after you first posted here.

If you have not yet received a TD card, please contact Larry Pond for a replacement,, and make sure he has your correct address.

Larry only works part-time, I think 2-3 days a week.