TLA Advertising and Membership Info Provided

For most of the last quarter, USCF has been sending out free TLA advertising blurbs to all member emails within a specific area.
I have not seen this recently. I hope this is a practice USCF will continue, or to make their email data base more affordable and easier for the average person to use.

For i just looked at about 12 tournaments that a couple of affiliates I know of ran in the last quarter. Four were advertised on the Free TLA on the USCF website, and 8 were not advertised as well. In addition, emails were sent to everyone within a
certain geographical area, Those 4 tournaments exceeded the totals in attendance of the other 8.

TLA advertising works – and those free blurbs help also. And this is a way that USCF National can assist in a big way
in membership growth and tournament attendance at their local affiliates, and thus the federation as a whole.

Rob Jones