TLA's, Activity Means Members, and Clearinghouses

Okay, I’ve surfed the USCF site and can’t find the answers so hopefully someone here will know…

  1. Activity Means Members link here says the Free TLA’s applied in Jan - March. Does this mean that this program is now discontinued?

  2. Can I email a TLA to someone at USCF and pay by credit card if payment is required in order to meet the deadline of tomorrow for a September event?

  3. The Tournament Clearinghouse information page is out of date since it says to snail mail proposed changes to Barbara in New Windsor.

  4. The link for 010-069 is broken and actually the page that I’ve used to link to Joe Sparks hasn’t been updated since May. Is he still the official USCF clearinghouse coordinator or is this now vacant for Massachusetts?

Thanks for the help!

I don’t know the answer to any of your questions.

#1, #3 and #4 will need to be passed on to the office in TN.

I don’t know what the TLA department is doing about last-minute TLAs these days, you can try e-mailing, but you might be better off calling the New Windsor office at 1-845-565-8687 Monday morning.

Short answer to 2 is yes. Longer answer is that while TLAs are supposed to be in by the 10th, you don’t have to pay until the 20th (also the deadline for corrections).

Thanks for help…I sent the TLA to the email address and am awaiting a proof, a reply on whether it will cost me anything, and how to pay.

Sarah in the TLA Dept. sent me the proof for the TLA and said that the “Activities Means Members” program is still offered and that it should be updated on the website though. Just thought I’d put that reply here in case any other members have the same question. (In other words, the TLA was free.) Thanks!

By “Activities Means Members” do you mean the program whereby each club can have a free RBO TLA each month? If so, I think that program is on-going.

Speaking of which, I need to edit my free RBO. Is there a way to submit TLAs online, say thru the TD/Affiliate area, yet? Or may this feature be coming soon “to a theatre near you?”


There’s a development version of the online TLA creation/editing form available in the TD/Affiliate Support Area. (It’s only available through an affiliate login, since only affiliates can submit TLAs.)

This will (eventually) give affiliates the ability to post their TLAs online for free, or for a nominal charge, and will give players a new online TLA directory with better search capabilities.

USCF members will also be able to receive TLA notices via e-mail. (The signup form for TLA-Mail is already available in the Members Only Area.)

We’re still working out the linkages between the online TLAs and print TLAs as well as the mechanism for reviewing and releasing online TLAs, that’s a large part of what has delayed the release of this new feature.

Hi Donna,

As far as I know Joe Sparks is still the clearinghouse coordinator for New England - he was reelected at last year’s NECA meeting.

Bob Messenger