Hi everybody,
Does somebody knows chess books for beginners from former
Yugoslavian or Russian authors, which are translated to English
I appreciate any help regarding that.
Hi everybody,
Does somebody knows chess books for beginners from former
Yugoslavian or Russian authors, which are translated to English
I appreciate any help regarding that.
Can anyone tell me where I might find a list of basic Spanish-language chess vocabulary? We’ve got a Spanish-speaking contingent at our school club, and I’d like to know the Spanish terms for “chess”, all the piece names, “rank”, “file”, “check” and “checkmate.”
Thanks in advance.
Try searching on google for ‘ajedrez’.
Here’s one link I found:
As to the Russian books, Hanon Russel wrote the Chessplayers Guide to Russian, so try uscfsales.com.
You can also try convekta.com - They have been turning Russian books into successful chess programs for a while now. They also (I think) have a few books that have been translated.
I also have a delightful story book that teaches kids chess - The ABC of Chess by V. Grishin and E Ilyin (Raduga Publishers). You might try some web searches on Raduga or the importers (Imported Publications, 1-800-345-2665).
I don;t know if the Russian language bookstore still exists in NYC anymore - but I’ve bought un-translated tactics/endgame books from them in the past. You just need to learn a few things (like white to move - black to move!) and that can be fun too.
Not sure what you are looking for - a specific book? A lot of the books in English have been translated from Russian … just look for the authors!
Akzidenz, if you post a list I can translate it for you. The terms I can think of off the top of my head:
Chess → Ajedrez
Piece → Pieza
King → Rey
Queen → Dama (or Reina)
Bishop → Alfil
Knight → Caballo (which translates to horse)
Rook → Torre
Pawn → Peon
Rank → Fila
File → Columna
Check → Jaque
Checkmate → Jaquemate
Clock → Reloj
Time → Tiempo
Game → Juego
Board → Tablero
Opening → Apertura
Middlegame → Juego medio
Endgame → Final
Castling → Enroque
Capture → Capturar / tomar / comer / matar
En Passant → Capturar (or tomar) al paso
Win → Ganar
Lose → Perder
Resignation → Abandono
Draw → Tablas
For pronunciation, you can probably find somewhere on the web that gives hints.