Information in Spanish

A while ago, I translated “Let’s play chess” to Spanish. This booklet is available at the USCF office for promotional purposes.

In addition, an electronic version of “A Guide to Scholastic Chess” in Spanish can be find in the USCF website.

All the best,

Beatriz Marinello

So will TD’s be required to be bi-Lingual?

:question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:

My posting was in respond to someone’s question about chess materials in Spanish…

Beatriz Marinello


I assumed since this was a new thread that this was a recommendation for all to download and print out at our tournaments.

Bilingual? I’d setle for TDs who can communicate effectively in English.

For all the local politics around here and how left-wing New York City is, I wouldn’t be shocked if USCF added that requirement. I guess that’s why I asked.

But I probably wouldn’t be surprised if there are more native speaking Russian players than Spanish right now :slight_smile:

Someone once noted that at the World Open if you yell, “Hi Boris!”, over a dozen people will look up.