i would like to know,- is it possible for me to make an USCF-chessclub here in Germany ? And can i organize a USCF-rated tourney here in germany ? I have a german Tournemant-Director-license.
Thank You
i would like to know,- is it possible for me to make an USCF-chessclub here in Germany ? And can i organize a USCF-rated tourney here in germany ? I have a german Tournemant-Director-license.
Thank You
I don’t see why not. You’d need to apply to become a club TD, and get an affiliate, but those are easy enough to do. The one sticking point is that all your players would also have to be USCF members.
Alex Relyea
thank you for your fast answer. Its no problem to become an USCF-member here in Germany I am a member and i like it. At the moment i can only play USCF-QR tourneys online at the World Chess Live Server. But i would like to play tourneys too. Thats why 12 friends of me will buy an USCF-Membership and with these 12 chessplayers i would like to start the first german USCF-chessclub
Can you please send me the link, where i can become a club TD ?
Thank You
This page should give you the forms you need.
Fill out TournamentDirectorApplication.pdf (and read the rulebook) and you can become a club TD. Affiliate_Application.pdf will get you an affiliate so that you can run tournaments.
Alex Relyea
Thank you very much for your help. I found all i need Now i can create the first USCF-chessclub in of Germany
Don’t be too sure that you’ll be the first. You might be (probably would be) the first, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if it turned out that we’ve had chess clubs (and maybe even tournaments) at some of the military bases there.
In any case, good luck with the club and best wishes.
Yes,- you are right. Thats what i thought too. I am sure, they play chess at the military bases. But i found no “real” German USCF-chessclub. I would be happy to find one, because I feel very lonely here in Germany with my USCF-membership
Its easier to be an USCF-member in Japan main.uschess.org/index.php?optio … Itemid=198