The match was held yesterday in Lebanon, NH at the Marriott Hotel. Vermont and New Hampshire fielded A, B and C teams. Vermont’s A team was lead by National Master David Carter of Burlington and Expert Ian Dudley. The team was captained by Brian Lafferty of Lyndonville. Vermont keeps the traveling trophy until the 2018 match.

Vermont’s NM David Carter in first round.

Vermont Expert Ian Dudley (right) in first round.

Across the generations. The true beauty of chess. Young NH player against a Vermonter of a certain age…

Handsome and Handsomer…driving forces behind Vermont Chess. “Monty” Montgomery and NM David Carter.
I hope NH fields a stronger team next time. Congrats to the Vermont players, and thanks to the New Hampshire players for representing the state.
The match was open to residents or students going to school in each state. David Carter had heard that there was an IM from NY attending Dartmouth who was going to play. He never showed. There would have been more players from the Keene club, but Monty noted that there was a WMCA tournament yesterday which is likely where many of that club went.
We were quite surprised more players from elsewhere in NH didn’t attend. Perhaps the match wasn’t publicised enough in NH as it was in VT----I don’t know. Hopefully NH will have a larger and higher rated team next year.
Still, a fun time was had by all. Lots of laughter and catching up…
Don’t forget, in two weeks, 9/23-24, we are holding the two day Danville Open. The top section will be FIDE rated and we’ve just added an U1250 section to encourage new and lower rated players to come out. The U1250 section will have $150 in cash prizes paid to 5th place. Details can be found in the tournament listing here at US Chess. If anyone is looking for hotel accommodations, please message me. There are a number of inexpensive hotels nearby that I can point folks to.
The match was covered in the online edition of The Caledonian-Record this evening. Hopefully, there will be an article in tomorrow’s print edition with at least one additional photo of people actually playing chess.