New York teams won 11 out of 13 team championships at the National School Grades in Orlando this past weekend. Totally dominant performance. Only the Kindergarten (Florida) and Grade 12 (Illinois) were winners from other states.
Congratulations, and thank you to all of the parents and coaches who make the sacrifices to make these results happen.
I assume that “we” means the state of New York. Did the New York state government pay for the kids to play? No. Did everyone in the state contribute to their participation? No. The kids represent themselves first and their schools second. I doubt they even think of themselves when they play as being representatives of a state. So, “we” in this case, just like in the case of fans for professional sports teams is pretty vague. I have to assume that after the NY Giants season, the fans look at the losses and say that “they lost” rather than “we lost.”
Congratulations! This outstanding performance must make New Yorkers feel better about the utter failure of the Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets, Nets, and Knicks. (Recommendation: trade Melo for Wesley So.)
This seems to be an example of the earned/given phenomenon. People will claim they earned “good” and were given “bad”. I have heard plenty of students talk about the C’s they were given but I never heard one connect the words A and given in the same sentence referring to themselves.
Results are in at the K-12 Grade Nationals in Orlando, Florida. New York teams shined at the official USCF National Championship event, winning in 11 out of the 13 sections.
Definitely liking the front page of, despite the brickbats of the Scrooge crowd on the forum. Really sweet.
I am a New York Sports fan, and perhaps the Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets, Nets, and Knicks, should all pay the entry fees for future scholastic tournaments of the New York participants as they could show them what winning is all about! (LOL) Congrats and kudos to all of the participants.