
…to all the New York Champions at the School Grade in Nashville. We came down to USCF country and showed the homies how it’s done.


Individual: 7th, 6th, 4th, 2nd
Team: 12th, 1st through 9th by up to three points (6th grade was on tie-breaks over TN). 11th is NJ by a half point, 10th is IL by 3 points (my home state also had the 3rd grade individual champ) and kindergarten is FL by 3 points. NY did bring an army of players, also having the 2nd place team in 10th-12th, 8th, 2nd-4th, and kindergarten.

You would think a USCF Executive Board member would respect its largest customer for a major event. Obviously that isn’t the case.

Perhaps Mr. Heck missed the news that Mr. Bauer has resigned.

Alex Relyea

I wasn’t aware Mr. Heck was the customer base.

For someone who desires a national event to be held in NY, he has been sent the facility requirements more than once with a request to find a venue, as we have been unable to do so. so far, he appears to desire to stand on the sidelines and throw rocks.

Of course part of that may be that what facilities we need are not possible to find at the price point we need in NY.

Clueless in Crossville…

I have no clue what Mr. Priest’s post has to do with my post, which was about NY players heavily supporting a National Tournament in Tennessee.

USCF has had “make-good tournaments” in Nashville due to not meeting the bottom line, so perhaps meeting a Crossville-set price point shouldn’t be the only factor involved in site selection.

Allen may or may not be clueless, but he’s not in Crossville.

1544 participants included:
NY 417 (27%, 4 of the 13 section champs, 5 of 14 missing 1st only on tie-breaks)
FL 178
TN 162
GA 85
AL 79
NJ 59
NC 55
IL 54
TX 48
MS 40
CA 31
CT 30

(based on pre-tournament rating in the MSA rating report)
25xx 1 (highest in 9th)
24xx 1 (highest in 11th)
23xx 5 (highest in 10th)
22xx 9 (highest in 7th, 5th)
21xx 21 (highest in 12th, 8th, 6th)
20xx 39
19xx 38 (highest in 4th, 3rd)
18xx 49
17xx 75 (highest in 2nd, 1st)
16xx 62
15xx 78
14xx 72
13xx 88
12xx 78 (highest in kindergarten)
11xx 91
10xx 98
9xx 108
8xx 97
7xx 110
6xx 70
5xx 77
4xx 60
3xx 65
2xx 23
1xx 75
unr 54
[edit because H and J are too close to each other on the keyboard]

Try to not be quite so literal. Crossville is, after all, the home of US Chess, an Illinois non-profit corporation, with the Spiritual home of the EB located in Crossville.

“spiritual home”?!? I doubt any of the EB members feel quite that way.

Several have never even been to Crossville. As one who has been there multiple times, they’re not missing much.

You are our largest customer? Doubtful.

One would hope that US Chess, especially its EB, would respect all of it’s customers, to wit, it members.

Obviously the poster was attempting to speak for New York. Since Jeffs data showed there were far more participants from New York than any other state at this event, his point is not so absurd.

Technically it is MSA’s data and just my presentation of it. Anybody can go into the past tournament result, expand all sections, copy the data, paste special into excel, sort to get rid of all but the lines with the state/ID/rating/etc., substring out the state and rating, and then sort again to parse the data as desired. Keeping the original sections would require an additional step but it didn’t concern me. … 12182712.0

Using the past national results page would have required somewhat similar steps (though 13 captures would be needed because there isn’t a screen that will show all results at once - necessary if you want the points and place on the same line as the state and rating, but it has the supplement ratings and not the actual pre-event ratings and post-event ratings). That is the screen I used to find the various individual and team champions.

I would think a congratulations is due to every winner regardless of where they are from although NY as a whole did exceptionally well. However, does every other state except NY count as a “homie”? You have every right to be proud of what NY did but disrespecting the rest of the competitors thankfully puts you in a minority from most of the very proud but very sporting chess community of NY that I am aware of.

Another nice, positive message from the cheerleader for them.

Talk about a softball.

:laughing: IIRC, you’re the one who cited job demands as one of the reasons for resigning from the EB. Must have slowed down in the office given the amount of posting you’ve done during business hours since resigning.