As we now have 4 TD’s and a fairly active, albeit little community, we are working on putting together a non-profit affiliate and a state chapter submission to the USCF.
One of the questions that we had were what level of TD was required to hold a state championship tournament?
As far as I can tell, it would just be the usual level required for the number of players, e.g., for a tournament expecting to draw 50 players or less (60 with assistance), then a club TD would suffice. Or if we expect 50-100 players (120 with assistance), a LTD would suffice.
I just want to check to make sure we would be able to run state championships with the current TDs that we have, or if we had to call in a TD from out of state for a championship event.
Though inexperienced, I have run enough category D level events to meet the requirements of LTD, however, my personal rating is still not established, so as far as I understand, I cannot take the test yet.
But, even if I was an LTD, the new state chapter is forming in Anchorage, which is a city about 350 miles from where I live, and the only TDs in Anchorage are club level TDs at this time. I am just checking if I need to plan to go to Anchorage every year for the state championship event or not, until the TDs in Anchorage become LTDs.
I found nothing in the rule book that states the TD requirement for state champions, only for national champions, unless I missed it or misunderstood it, which is always possible.
Thanks for your time.