Where to enter correspondence tournament?

(My apologies if this is the wrong section for this, but it does involve a tournament… :smiley: )

I’ve looked all over the USCF web site for a link to the page where I can buy an entry to a correspondence section. I’ve been there before, of course, but I can’t find it now. Can someone please point me the right way? :confused:

BTW, I think it would be a nice idea to make that a close to top-level link when a user enters the correspondence chess section of the “Resources” area.

If you go to the home page, in the right column below the ‘Join/Renew’ link there should be a box that says ‘Click here to enter Correspondence and National Events’. That will take you to our membership webstore, secure.uschess.org/webstore.

You can also get there by clicking on the ‘Join/Renew’ link and then clicking on the link after the message about skipping all the questions and going straight to the webstore. When you get there, there will be a button in the left column to ‘Register for a Chess Tournament’. (At one point during the testing, I asked them to add a message to the page that comes up after you click on Join/Renew that said something like ‘click here to register for a USCF National event or correspondence event’, but that disappeared during one of the iterations.)

There should probably be a similar link in the Correspondence Chess page (which is under Resources.) I didn’t design the new website organizational structure (and can’t update pages), but I’ll suggest that to Joan, she should know who can add that link.

Thanks, Mike. I knew I must have been looking right past that link. :blush: :smiley:

Edit: Yep that link is there in the right column. :blush: :blush: