Why can I only post in site feedback category?

Hi, I recently received the “basic” badge so I can post online, but I can’t post in any category other than Site Feedback.

I am a new Club TD and have some questions after reading the “Running Chess Tournaments” category, but I am not allowed to post there.

Who do I ask for permissions to post in other categories?


Have you asked to join the Adult US Chess Members group yet? That is most likely the problem. You can find it by clicking more and then groups.

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Thanks for the reply, I didn’t know that existed, but I will be checking it out shortly!

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

You’ve been added to the adult member group. This is currently done manually, and there may have been some problems with the single sign on code messing up the group memberships.

Thank you. As a new user to the forum, and in the interest in site feedback, I just want to say it wasn’t very clear that I had to do this until @ChessEntrepreneur pointed it out for me. I realized I was new and thought I needed the “basic” badge, but once I got it, I still couldn’t post.

Perhaps there is, or should be, a “welcome to the forum, here is how it works” post that is mandatory reading for the new comer.

If there is, then I should get my eyes checked, because I missed it, and you can disregard my comment. :rofl:

Thank you for all that you do.

I’ve added the sysadmin account as a co-owner of the adult users group, that should help get requests routed to me for processing.

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