WINTD output files

What are the 4 files I need from WINTD? I have the following from my last tourney: TAEXPORT.DAT

But the website doesn’t like the .DAT file. What am I doing wrong? The error is that it’s empty. How do I check that?

also, the CROSSTABLE FILE, which you can get by going to REPORTS, click on Output to Window then go back to REPORTS and click on PRINT WALLCHART (I sort by Pairing Number). After that, you save the .txt file and that should do it.

The TAEXPORT.DAT isn’t required

Terry Winchester

Please post back and let us know if it works

Terry’s recommendation is basically the right idea, but the best way to do it is actually as follows:

  1. Turn on the “Output to Window” switch in the Reports menu first.

  2. Then do Reports-Make USCF Report.

  3. Save the resulting chart shown in the output window to disk as a text file.

  4. Submit the 4 files, including the file saved from the output window.

This is fewer steps, as it doesn’t require going go back and printing a second wall chart.

More importantly, though, it gives you a wall chart in exactly the form the USCF wants–in particular, players who have no rateable games are dropped from the list.

Hope this is helpful. You can contact our tech support if you have questions.

Tom Maycock
Estima (developers of WinTD)

As of July 29th, the crosstable text file is no longer required, just the three .DBF files.

Thanks–that’s good to know.
