No official announcement but FIDE plans call for Carlsen to defend his title in Spring or Fall 2021.
They still hope to resume the Candidates tournament in 2020.
Wishful thinking, unless they do the games online. Think Fischer with the old teletype machine at the Marshall.
Any attempt to bring the candidates together in one place will likely lead to Covid-19 spread amongst players, support staff and officials. The stress of possible infection also will not make for the best chess by the players.
It’s doable with the small group field for the candidates. Have the player at their preferred location with a FIDE arbiter to supervise and it can be done. The only issue might be disconnects for players like Ding if he decides to play from China with their awful firewall.
If any event is best suited for the use of online technology it is the Candidates and the World Championship. They venues for matches would be spread around the world and be a great promotional tool for chess. Each site could have an arbiter monitoring the play of the game and its transmission. The staffing for the event at each site could be small which would make it more sponsor friendly and cost effective. Player safety would be more easily assured. Players could play on sensor boards that send moves to the opponent or key in moves on a computer while using its two dimensional screen to analyze.
Will it happen that way? Probably not, as the influence of Russia on FIDE will cause the organization to have the event somewhere in that country no matter how Russia has become a pariah state.
I got two words for ye. CHESS BUBBLE
I got three for you: Radjabov was right.
I suspect Carlson can put an end to that-Would FIDE strip him of the championship if he said he would not play in a face to face setting during this nonsense? Doubtful I think the next championship will be held on line
Would FIDE strip Carlsen of his title? Haven’t they done that to a FIDE world champion in the past? Is there any reason to believe this leopard has changed its spots?
If you are referring to Fischer, I think the situation is entirely different now.If FIDE stripped another champion of his title than I am not aware of it.
Wasn’t Kasparov stripped of his title in 1993?
You could make a case that both Fischer and Kasparov “quit FIDE” – after which FIDE simply carried on without them. If I remember correctly, Fischer resigned his title after FIDE (or was it Karpov?) wouldn’t agree to all his demands. And Kasparov and Short formed their own organization to hold their title match independently of FIDE. I’m not sure what else FIDE could have done in either case. They weren’t about to relinquish their control over the title.
And what would make Carlsen’s demands (if he’s made any) different? FIDE is not about to let the current title holder, even if he’s a nicer guy than some previous title holders, control the conditions of the next title match.
I don’t know. Things could get interesting if Carlsen “makes demands”. The question may arise as to whose property the title is – FIDE’s or the champion’s? I don’t know the answer to that either. I was only making the point that I’m not sure we can say that FIDE ever “stripped” anyone of the title. Essentially, Fischer and Kasparov stripped themselves of the title.
Yep you are correct!
From the Gods on Mt. FIDE
Safe? Would you play here, Croatia.?
Looks like they are not following the FIDE guidelines. No one is wearing a mask.
Who are the two players playing each other in the bottom left corner?
Who is the person apparently playing by himself at the left?
Are all those boards and/or clocks somehow connected to equipment at the monitoring desk at the top of the picture?
Are those three little boxes at the monitoring desk chess clocks with antennas, sanitizer bottles with antennas, sanitizer bottles with flowers, or something else?
Bill Smythe
The boards appear to have power plugs, are they DGT boards? Do they have boards that use bluetooth to talk to the TD desk now?
The photo is from an article in about OTB chess in the pandemic. Here is some commentary:
I am quoting this without commenting on it; I have no idea what would be considered safe, or not safe, in Croatia right now.
I would guess that, yes, those are DGT boards, wired to who knows what system, to enable games scores to be automatically recorded (although the players also keep score) and posted to places such as a website in real time.
Despite poor eyesight that has been steadily deteriorating for the last several years, I have no problem recognizing those objects as trophies (“cups” mounted on rectangular bases). If you were perfectly aware of that and just joking, I will blush and quote Emily Litella: “Never mind!”
ETA: I find it interesting that the apparently unused board has all the pieces set up normally except for the Kings, which are facing each other in the center of the board. Can anyone shed any light on this?