Youth Action Game 30 clarification

Lately, many scholastic tournaments have been advertising G30 or G40 or G45 and during the player’s meeting announcing that 5 minutes will NOT be deducted from the clock if you use 5 second time delay. In the past, most announcements would be TO deducted the 5 minutes.

Has there been a change? Is this a rule? Will this weekend’s Youth Action tournament in Atlanta have clocks play 30 minutes a side with 5 second time delay or 25 minutes a side with 5 second time delay?

Confused :confused:

Both are accepted. If it is a G/30, it can be G/25 (t/d 5) or G/30 (t/d 5). It is up to the organizer(s) and the director(s), what they want to do with time delay.

This has always been at the TD’s option, and there is no requirement to announce it in advance. The 5th-edition rulebook recommends against deducting time, for the practical reason that there are too many different digital clocks around and no one knows how to set all of them.

Question. If the chessplayers do not know how to set the digital clocks without deducting time, would it still be the same problem if they have to deduct time? Analog chessplayers do not have any problem to deducting time from a G/60. They just set the clock to 5:05, not at 5:00.

What the 5th edition says and what they are telling digital clock owners. If you are a owner of a digital clock (5th edition recommends), your stupid, your half-witted, your tiresome and tedious.

Gosh Doug, I can’t find those words (“your stupid, your half-witted, your tiresome and tedious.”) anywhere in my edition, nor did I mean to write anything to even suggest them. Do you have a rare misprinted version of the rulebook?



You just got to read between the lines. If you told the same line for analog players, because they would not understand how to set the clock at 5:05 than 5:00 – how would they feel. Than your telling digital chessplayers they do not understand how to set the clock at G/55 (t/d 5). They should understand how to set the clock at G/60 (t/d 5). If they understand how to set the clocks at G/60 (t/d 5), they should understand how to set the clock at G/55 (t/d 5). When directors point out the reason not to take away the five minutes from the digital clock, it makes anyone that is a owner of the clock feel stupid.

There are those of us who feel that the logic behind subtracting X minues from the clock for a game with X seconds delay was flawed in the first place.

Douglas, you have now insulted the author of the rulebook and impugned the honesty of the USCF office staff, which you have still not apologized for.

This forum has rules of decorum and you continually violate them.

Can anyone come up with a good reason why Douglas Forsythe should NOT be banned from this forum for the remainder of the month if not permanently?

If those words HAD been there, they would have been caught in proofreading, as all three instances of “your” should be “you’re”. :slight_smile:

Seriously, an even better reason for not recommending a 5-minute deduction is truth in advertising. In the olden days, when only a small percentage of games were using the delay, maybe it wasn’t so bad. But with 60 to 90 percent of tournament games now using the delay, I think there is a credibility problem when an organizer tells the vast majority of players they will have 5 minutes less than advertised.

If deducting 5 minutes is losing popularity, it’s not because of any rule change, it’s just that more and more organizers are coming around to this point of view.

Bill Smythe

I appreciate all the replies to this thread, but still no one has answered if this weekend’s tournament in Atlanta is going to be Game 30 (youth action) or Game 30 - 5 minutes if you use time delay.

Anyone really know?

Nevermind, I just found it in the Rules section of the tournament advertisement at They will have to take off 5 minutes if they have a digital clock with a 5 second delay.

Interesting discussion… :stuck_out_tongue: