I am hoping a delegate will sponsor the following motion at this year’s US Open:
ADM: Modify the first paragraph of Chapter 12 of the US Chess rulebook, Round Robin Pairing Tables, as described below.
The paragraph currently reads: “The following pairing tables are used for round robin tournaments. The player with the first number in each pairing has the white pieces. Pairing numbers are assigned by lot at the beginning of the event, unlike Swiss tournaments in which pairing numbers are determined by ratings.”
Change this to: “The following pairing tables are used for round robin tournaments. The player with the first number in each pairing has the white pieces. Pairing numbers are assigned by lot at the beginning of the event except for three and four player round robins in which, like Swiss tournaments, pairing numbers are assigned in order of rating.”
Rationale: Part of the first paragraph of Chapter 12 of the US Chess rulebook is trying to explain how pairing numbers in round robin tournaments are determined but makes no mention that pairing numbers in three or four player round robins are assigned in order of rating as explained in rule 30G which states “Players’ numbers are assigned in order of rating, not randomly as in larger round robins.”