Chess Group for the Homebound?

Hello all… Just getting back into the game after many, many years lapse.

I am new to the USCF and these forums, so please excuse me if I am not in the right area to ask this question (moderator: please feel free to move this post to more appropriate area if needed…).

I am a homebound person and want to know if there are any clubs/venues/options for those wanting to play. In traditional club play you obviously have to “show up” but that is not an option for me at the present time.

Does anyone know the best place to start looking for options?


I’ll mention the obvious.

  1. Look into postal chess. The USCF runs postal events (nowadays mostly done using an on-line server with a multi-day per move rate of play).
  2. Call local clubs and see it they have players willing to go to somebody’s house. There may be some trepidation involved with either asking a stranger to enter your home or going into a stranger’s home.
  3. On-line chess, often at a G/10 or faster time control.

You didn’t mention the extent to which you are homebound (and you don’t have to). Some people need to be hooked up to an oxygen line but are quite active inside their houses as far as their oxygen lines can reach (I’ve seen some that can reach to the neighbor’s house). Some are confined to their beds. Some can leave their houses but do not have the transportation needed to do so (some cities have cheap or free transportation services for that).

I have played at least two homebound players on the ICCF server, which USCF uses for the Walter Muir e-Quads. Note that to play on ICCF you have to be a member of either USCF or CCLA. USCF events are done without engine assistance, but if you want to challenge yourself with engine assistance, ICCF has free friendly matches as well as a whole host of rated events. Time control tends to be ten moves in fifty days, although some events are faster.

Alex Relyea

thanks for both of those responses, I’ll check this out…

Here is a link to the ICCF Friendly Matches:

Alex Relyea

ICCF and CCLA are both excellent. If you enjoy playing by post card as some folks do, CCA can arrange that, especially is you’re willing to play against a prison inmate. (I think the USCF can also arrange that) That can be very rewarding.

Excellent suggestion Brian… play an inmate… I shall consider that.

Thanks guys for all the help/info. Greatly appreciated!