Deposit accounts for affiliates?

The last time I supmitted a rating report, one line that caught my eye mentioned (recalling from memory) that there was only a $1 min charge for drawing on a “deposit account”. I have found no other mention of “deposit account” (what is it, how does it work, how do I set one up) on the site. Can anyone point me toward information on this?

Thank you,

Deposit accounts were something I worked on several years ago but we ran into some procedural stumbling blocks. I think those have mostly been resolved so this is back on the drawing board, probably for this summer as part of a redesign of the TD/A interface.

Cheers for this program’s reconsideration, from a Director who has memorized too many different credit card numbers due to entering them on the USCF site so often for membersips & club event ratings reports. Can’t wait for the relaunch. Thanks!

PayPal and Google Checkout payment interface too? :smiley:

We have no relationships with either of those vendors, and I have no authority to commit to using them.