Errors when submitting tournament report?

I just submitted

USCF Event ID 200505169171 BHCC HEX 20050516

and get “Status: Errors Present, Cannot Process.”

I don’t see any fields flagged as errors, so what’s wrong with it?


OOPS, sorry, I figured it out.

I entered G30 instead of GAME/30 in the time control field.

Just one question: how long fbefore the tournament is rated after its been submitted and paid for?

BTW, its just a little 3SS, G/30 with 6 players (9 rated games).

Thanx in advance,

We usually rate events at the top of the hour from 8AM to 11PM (EDT) every day. Once the event is submitted for rating and the credit card charge is approved it should be processed in the next hourly cycle.

However, we only update the crosstable records on MSA about 4 times a day.