Father - Daughter NTDs!!!

Betsy Dynako just passed her NTD exam. Her Father is longtime NTD Mike Zacate. For the first time ever we have a parent-child NTD tag team. Both of them will be on the staff of the K-12 in Florida next weekend.

Tim Just
TDCC Chair

Way to go Betsy!

Any other NTD announcements this week? :smiley:

  • Enrique

yay Betsy!!! Have had the pleasure of working with her and Mike several times!

Didn’t Betsy used to play in events like the K-12? I seem to remember her playing in a small tournament which I either directed or played in.

Bill Smythe

Yes, YOU! did :slight_smile: For the readers of this post realize Enrique is also on staff here at the K-12 and after I got the word today (Friday) from the office that he had passed, I walked into the playing room and gave him the good news. Nope, I did not evaluate either Betsy’s or Enrique’s exams.

Tim Just
TDCC Chair
(from Enrique’s account)

There used to be a list of all certified TDs on the USCF website that was easy to find from the links to Tournament Directors. Since that link is now dead - secure.uschess.org/tds/ - anyone have a link to the current lists?

Belated congrats to the both of you! Good to know that the TD staffs of the future will be in exceptionally good hands with such people as these as the NTDs.