FIDE Blitz Time Controls

From the LOC: “B.1 A ‘blitz’ game’ is one where all the moves must be completed in a fixed time of 10 minutes or less for each player; or the allotted time plus 60 times any increment is 10 minutes or less.”

I wasn’t able to locate any other requirements for time controls to be used in a FIDE-rated blitz tournament, are there any? For example, any minimum base time? (although if I recall correctly, 3-minute base time is required for USCF rating.)

Any minimum increment or delay time? etc. Is G/5 d0 ok?

I found the World Blitz Championship is using a time control of 3 minutes plus 2-second increment, I take it that is the preferred time control in FIDE-land?

Thanks for any input.

G/3 inc/2 is certainly the currently preferred blitz control in FIDE, and ought to be in USCF too if organizers in the USA would wake up and smell the coffee.

If FIDE has no minimum main time, that would seem strange. It would mean that, for example, G/1 inc/4 would be FIDE blitz-ratable.

Bill Smythe

Actually, G/1, inc/4 might be worth trying!

Of course once upon a time blitz used to be played at G/0;d5.

Alex Relyea

I’m trying to remember where I saw this, but one of the old writers, talking about chess circa 1950 I think, said something like: “Lightning chess is played at ten seconds a move. Blitz is ten seconds a move faster than that.”

In 2010 I took the Arbiter course in Toronto. The person giving the course was the head of FIDE arbiters for Europe. His recommendation was to never TD a blitz tournament.

Larry S. Cohen

That 2010 recommendation was probably a major factor in G/3 inc/2 later becoming a de facto FIDE standard.

I would think such a long increment would create some long (for blitz) games and unpredictable starting times for the later rounds.

Bill Smythe

I meant it was worth trying for a non-rated, non-tournament game, not a blitz tournament.

The FIDE regulations contain no mention of a minimum required base time for blitz. Article B.1 of the Laws of Chess states:

I am somewhat surprised that the FIDE rating regulations (section B.02 of the handbook) are completely silent about blitz and rapid ratings. The language of that section has not been updated since the introduction of rapid and blitz ratings, and the text definitely reads as though there is only the one rating system. Note, in particular, article 1 of the rating regulations:

Without clarification from the Qualification Commission, I would have to deduce that time controls such as G/1 d/0 or even G/0 inc/1 would be considered ratable. I’m also willing to guess that if someone were to submit a G/0 inc/1 event for rating, that would spur the Qualification Commission into revisiting the regulations.

(Incidentally, at the risk of going off topic, time controls such as G/0 inc/n demonstrate the necessity of adding the increment time before the first move, as well as when the player presses the clock after each move. Otherwise, White would have overstepped the time limit on the very first move.)

Will the DGT clocks even operate at all if set for G/0 inc/n?

(I’ll bet the add-after clocks, like the Chronos, would not.)

Bill Smythe