If there are G/30 through G/60 events that are not being dual-rated, that’s probably because of an error by someone.
Whether the event is submitted online, on diskette or on paper is irrelevant as far as dual-rating an event under the new ratings system is concerned, and there is no longer an extra fee for dual-rating events submitted on paper.
According to the Ratings Committee, there was never supposed to be an extra fee at all, the RC recommendation and the Delegate motion both called for dual rating of all games played at G/30 through G/60, the extra fee was an office ‘refinement’ due to the fact that they had to enter the data twice under the old programming.
However, if some rounds are at different time controls, the SLOWEST time control used for any round determines whether it is quick, dual or regular rated. Thus an event with rounds 1-2 at G/45 and rounds 3-4 at G/75 would be regular rated only.
Give me event IDs and I can check on them, otherwise they’re just rumors at this point. (However, the USCF does not correct events unless the TD reports or confirms the correction.)
There will be a rerate ahead of the August Supplement, probably around July 8th-9th. (I haven’t discussed timing for the August Supplement with the editorial department yet, the June supplement didn’t get out until the 2nd week in June DESPITE our scheduling that rerate for May 6th.)
To the extent possible, we parse the new ‘time control’ field and if it looks like a primary sudden death time control of G/30 through G/60 but isn’t coded as dual-rated we flag that as an error.
However, that field isn’t on the diskette/upload files yet, so it has to be filled in and the rating system choice (quick/dual/regular) selected when uploading or editing the event. That’s true whether it is the TD doing the uploading or the USCF office staff.
If the TD doesn’t report the time control on an event mailed to the USCF, the staff tries to figure it out. Is that preferable to holding the event until we get a response from the TD? (Before answering, consider if your answer would change if it was YOUR event being held up!)