Initial FIDE rating

Since FIDE doesn’t make ratings with insufficient games to be published available, we really have no idea how many players (USA-based or otherwise) have a partial FIDE rating.

Will those players with (currently) unpublished FIDE ratings based on at least 5 games (but less than 9) now get published FIDE ratings without having to play in another event?

This is a strange response as Mr. Smith quoted my response above.

Alex Relyea

??? We are still waiting word back on this from Walter.

This is actually not true. If you look at the FIDE ID card for someone who has a part rating, you’ll see the specifics of that part rating on the front page (the page analogous to the “General” tab on MSA. Of course it would be a great deal of work (with minimal return) to do that for all the unrated players in the world, but I did it for all the unrated players in my tournament this past weekend.

Mr. Brown didn’t know the answer to this second question at the IA seminar a week ago, however he (I believe) opined that he thought that those players would eventually get ratings based on the games they’ve already played.

Alex Relyea

I should have been more specific: FIDE does not make partial ratings available in a downloadable format, at least not one that I’ve seen.

Now I’m confused as to why Mr. Smith bothers asking questions in the fora if he will only accept answers from the office. I also don’t understand why anyone bothers answering any of Mr. Smith’s questions.

Alex Relyea

This isn’t true.

How do you know that “If you want to get a rating this month, i.e. in the July FRL, you’ll need to play six more games. If you wait until next month, you’ll only need two more games to get rated.”? Sevan responded to your statement as well by saying “Well I’m waiting for a response from Walter on this…”

Alex, why do you keep trying to turn a technical question into a flame war, starting with questioning if it was serious?

I have friends who are trying to get their initial FIDE rating this Summer and curious about the details of the new rule as well. Now the thread is about to get locked because of your antics. Thanks a bunch!

Michael Langer
Austin, TX

Let’s get back on topic, please, and keep comments constructive. Thanks, everyone.

I received the following email. Names redacted.

Alex Relyea

Well, I played 2 more FIDE rated games after the July FRL and didn’t get a FIDE rating so it seems waiting for an answer from someone with more knowledge of the subject rather than trusting your assumption was the correct decision.

You scored a performance norm under the old system (going 1 out of 3 against FIDE rated players). So your clock is set to the old system.

Once you hit 9 games then you’ll see your initial rating.

The new rating formula are for players that were fresh to the FIDE rating system (thus no previous performance norms).

Out of morbid curiosity, would you say I need 5 games or 9 to qualify for a rating? I currently do not have a performance norm. I have so far played only 2 FIDE rated games at one of your quads sometime last year. Sadly I lost them both. I believe neither player had an established FIDE rating at the time anyway. One of them does now, though.

Assuming I somehow defeat a FIDE rated player in my next game or two, would I need 3 more games, 7 more games, or 9 more games?

Just curious.

You only need to draw against one FIDE rated player to have an initial ratable performance. The old rule of needing at least one point against at least three FIDE rated opponents for an initial ratable performance is gone. Then, you need a total of five games (and a resulting rating of at least 1000) to be published on the FIDE rating list (FRL).