"Just the Rules" and new online chess rules posting and tips

The new Internet Chess Rules (chapter 10) passed by the Delegates are now posted. In my column (Internet Chess Essential Player Tips) there is a link to that post right at the top. Some items in chapter 10 are liked back to chapters 1-2. Downloading the file with all the chapters (1-2-10-11) will give you the best experience. Each chapter (1, 2, 10) are also available individually.

Column link: https://new.uschess.org/news/just-rules-new-internet-chess-rules-essential-player-tips

New Internet rules link: https://new.uschess.org/news/7th-edition-rule-book-chapters-now-available-download


In the PDF for Chapter Ten, looks like a missing word (reference to previous section?):

Thanks Scott. I fixed the files and sent them to US Chess for re-posting. I don’t know what the time frame is for that task.

The missing words: Official Rules of Chess.

I assume you fixed the identical “missing words” error in 4A (most likely the same magic words). The correction for 3A has not yet been posted, although the title page says “Revised August 21, 2020.”

Thanks for finding that. Hmmm…I wonder how and why that happened? In another check of the manuscript I found that 8A and 12C in chapter 10 were also missing the wording: “Official Rules of Chess.” What is really a mystery to me is that those words are not missing in other sections of chapter 10.

I made the required fixes. The person responsible for posting has decided to give a small window of time for finding the obvious minor errata in chapter 10. My guess would be that sometime next week we will see a new posting.

Keep those corrections coming in. We appreciate the proof reads.

Sidebar: On one of the earlier rulebook editions–probably V5–I was chatting with Mike Nolan. Mike’s former life was in publishing. He pointed out that despite everyone’s best efforts errata seems to creep into almost every publication. Over the years I have found he was right on point. I recently found the same miscue that had appeared in the 5th-6th and 7th editions–despite multiple proof readers.

The beginning of rule 5C now says “There are three rating systems: Regular (slow), Quick (fast), Blitz and Online.” It says there are three rating systems but then lists what would appear to be four rating systems (even though there are three separate online ratings). I’m not sure why online even needs to be mentioned here. Better would be to just say something like “There are three over-the-board rating systems: Regular (slow), Quick, and Blitz.”

Or better yet, “There are three over-the-board rating systems: Regular, Quick, and Blitz; and three online rating systems: Regular, Quick, and Blitz.”

Bill Smythe

I thought about that but then you might need to mention correspondence as well for completeness. This section is about over-the-board play so I think just saying “There are three over-the-board rating systems: Regular, Quick, and Blitz” is best.

I’ll buy that. Or perhaps add “See Chapter 10 for online rating systems.”

Bill Smythe

The rating system document, new.uschess.org/sites/default/f … system.pdf, says:

“The two QC systems apply to events with time controls of G/10+0 through G/60+5” but then states “The OTB QC system applies to events with time controls of G/10+0 through G/60+5, and the online QC system applies to events with time controls slower than G/10+0 but quicker than G/30+0.”

The new rules for online play state the online quick rating system is for time controls with a total playing time of more than ten and less than thirty minutes and that there is no dual rating in the online rating systems. Therefore, it looks like the statement in the rating system document that states “The two QC systems apply to events with time controls of G/10+0 through G/60+5” should be deleted.

I fixed the typos and omissions for the online rulebook posts. The fixed versions are now posted and ready for download at: https://new.uschess.org/news/7th-edition-rule-book-chapters-now-available-download