Mistake on rating report

If there was a mistaken result posted on a rating report how can this be fixed once the tournament has been rated…and will I have to pay to rerate the tournament

Send the details behind the correction to Walter Brown and Chuck Lovingood at the USCF. They are usually pretty fast on making corrections. Unless they have added a fee lately, there won’t be a charge for the correction.

Have you tried reading the Frequently Asked Questions document on the TD/Affiliate Support Area home page? It answers your question in detail.

Some corrections may require deleting the original event and redoing it, but in those cases the office staff can waive the ratings fee.

In general, unless a large number of games were being added to the report, there is no charge for corrections. (The personnel time for doing corrections, we average around 75 of them a month, was included in my recent estimation of the total cost of rating games.)

There is a FAQ section in the TD/Affiliate Area??

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Gee Mike, you actually expect users to read the supplied documentation?

Hope springs eternal, Rob.