Rating error!

What do you think about this. Can it be corrected?
Obviously, we are talking about a different player, especially since the latest tournament was K-1.

The tournament director has to submit a correction request to the USCF office.

Corrections should be sent by the TD to Walter Brown (clovingood@uschess.org)

Details on what information is needed when submitting a correction are available on the home page for the Member Services Area or in the FAQ for the TD/Affiliate Support Area.

Just curious. What happens if the TD does not submit a correction (say noone points out this problem or he walks in front of the bus)? Will the adult player (in this case of senior master strength) just have to accept the rating dip, or are there (obvious) cases when the USCF office may change results without TD intervention. The young player probably was not even born when the adult namesake last played!


The underlying principle is that the TD is responsible for the accuracy of his or her rating reports.

Beyond that, I suppose it varies depending on the situation and what it takes to get corroboration of the report. It may also depend on how easy it is to determine what the correction needs to be. A report from someone who just says “I didn’t play in this event” is probably going to be too incomplete for the office to be able to process it, since they don’t know what the correct ID is yet.

If the TD is unavailable or non-responsive, they can try the sponsoring affiliate. I think there have been a few cases where they’ve accepted signed statements from both players regarding the incorrect reporting of the result of a game.

A correction from a game rated prior to 2004 will seldom result in a ratings change (which would have to be done manually anyway), especially if the player has been active since then. I recently did a test rerate (not quite as accurate as a full rerate) for Walter Brown for a player who wanted a small adjustment from early 2004. The test rerate suggested that making the correction would not have affected his current rating at all.

Now that the MSA can handle various TD’s does it have to be the “Chief” that submits a correction, or can one of those listed as an “Assistant” do it.

For instance, Bill Goichberg is listed as the Chief TD for the recents Foxwoods Tournament, but I am listed as the Assistant against the various sections. Can I submit a correction if I’m aware of a problem, or does it have to come from Bill?

Chris Bird

At a large tournament there could be dozens of assistants, most of whom may not have had anything to do with the section/game at issue.

I think it should probably come from one of three sources, individuals who are likely to be in a position to have access to supporting data on the event:

  1. The Chief TD for the event
  2. The Backroom Chief (generally also the person who submitted the report)
  3. The chief of that section.