National K-12/Collegiate Championships

I’m off to Houston tomorrow and am curious who else will be out there. Good luck to all participants (and parents!) and if you see me please say “Hi!”.

I’ll be glad to post updates from time to time.

  • Enrique

Hope y’all have a good time - couldn’t afford to go this year. It is our son’s senior year and will be the first one he has missed in a while but that is how it goes.

I’ll be there and if you find Enrique, I can imagine you’ll find me too! :slight_smile:

Chris Bird

I’m going to want a refresher on the MonRoi setup. (=

  • Enrique

I hear MonRoi (Zeljka) will be on-site in Houston, which probably means there might be a good chance of having some live coverage of the event. (Note, if you own a MonRoi and are going to Houston, take it with you so your family and friends can all watch your games!)

Given the option of a refresher with me, or spending some time with a “real” MonRoi representative, I know which one I would choose! :mrgreen:

Karen will be with me on the trip, so I can’t give Phil or Franc any openings.

  • Enrique

I arrive Thursday. See you in the back room.

Life is just a long series of mixed blessings.


Quick question: I just noticed the following on the tournament information page for Nationals: "CORRECTION: November, not December, Rating Supplement will be used. " What does that mean? As far as I can tell, there is no November rating supplement listed.

Hope to say hello in Houston,


As it says “December Rating Supplement will be used” in Chess Life, a surprise policy change like this at the last minute would be against the rules, and whoever tried to enforce this over the objection of one or more of the players would almost certainly lose the appeal by the player(s). Fortunately, on the other hand, this is just about the only tournament where such a change would not have any effect on the registration and section breakdown.

According to the registration template for the 2006 K-12, they used the December supplement a year ago.

However, a year ago there was no November supplement, because we didn’t start
issuing them on a monthly basis until February of 2007.

The guidelines for national scholastic events have been revised to take into account the change to monthly ratings lists. The latest guidelines (as approved by the Board) state that events that begin earlier than some date (the 10th of the month is what comes to mind) will use the previous month’s list.

However, according to Chess Life, the tournament beginning on Friday in Houston has advertised an excpeption to this for the past several months.

Greetings from Houston.

I’ll make sure I say hello to you guys.

Chris- I’ve already been bombarding Zeljka with questions. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll get her to update my software. If I play in the Parents & Friends event I’ll have to get them to put it on the feed. Maybe I can give my fans another colorful finish. Though I’d like to be the one doing the sac-ing and mating instead of being on the receiving end. :blush:

The CBS Early Show had a nice piece about the Cambridge Knights going to the Nationals in Houston. It showed them on the plaza, and even showed some of the kids with their board set up on the ground. Good luck to all in Houston.

Regards … Jim

The CBS Early Show did a story on the Columbia Grammar Chess Team in New York.

Are you saying Steve mis-remembered the school, or did they do two stories?


Thanks for clearing that up Steve, next time you ask a question I’ll be just as precise.

What’s going on in Houston ? Why arn’t we getting any reports?

There’s a story about the K12 on the USCF home page. Standings and pairings are being posted at