Well, you’ll know to watch for it next time. :sigh:
I’m not sure why websites (and not just ours) don’t always recognizes submit buttons when they’re clicked.
What’s worse, occasionally a website will do a double-submit. I think that’s what causes the occasional double post in the Forums.
If that happens on a ‘process charge’ button, the card can get charged twice. I’ve put in code to prevent that on the USCF webstore, but I’ve had it happen to me on another webstore.
Haven’t had a double post yet, but the other day I lost four different submits.
Here is what I was doing: (a) Click “Post a Reply”. (b) Start composing. Decide I need to refer to something in the thread, so (c) right-click on the subject link at the top of the page and click “Open Link in New Tab” (using Firefox 3.0.17 on Ubuntu 8.10). (d) Switch back to my reply and finish typing. (e) Click Submit. (f) Wonder what happened to my post???
Rather than depending on Windows-geeky features (like “Open Link in New Tab”), I just highlight the whole document so far by hitting control-A (after making sure the cursor is somewhere in the reply window), then control-C (to copy the document to the clipboard), then I open Word and do a control-V (paste from the clipboard). That way, if worse comes to worst, I have the document in Word.
Speaking as an information systems professional with 34 years experience, the old truism still holds: Garbage in, garbage out. And that especially holds true for what passes for software these days…