Organizer Workshop at U.S. Open

In another thread,

Many people may not know that about half of the committees usually hold workshops during the day from Wednesday to Friday at the U.S. Open. I agree that it would be nice if some successful organizers (at least some with three and four figure budgets) would do one for people who are thinking about organizing tournaments and people who already do but would like to actually make a small profit. I’m not suitable to lead this panel, or even to participate, but would be very interested to attend. Is anyone interested enough to get this on the schedule?

Alex Relyea

I think this is an excellent idea, and, in a similar way, I think it would be great to have TD seminars to help provide guidance and advice for TDs as well as organizers. We should be providing a way for new TDs and organizers to become familiar with best practices.

There was an organizer workshop some years ago. It was not well attended. And the TDCC runs a TD workshop every year.

It might be worth trying the organizer workshop again. When was it last offered? I’ve been attending the delegates’ meeting since 2007, and I don’t remember seeing an organizer workshop on the schedule. (Admittedly, I may not have been very “in tune” with what was going on those first few meetings.)

Also, vaguely connected with the idea of an organizer workshop: I would really like to see US Chess find some way of publishing the chapter from the fourth edition that included organizer information and a TD checklist. Some of that material is outdated in the age of ubiquitous pairing software, but some of it is still very helpful (for instance, the discussion of how much floor space is required). I understand why that chapter was dropped from subsequent editions, but I still think it was an unfortunate loss.

I would suggest that the idea of the workshop is good, but outdated. US Chess needs to present this kind of material on-line/you tube/video/etc…

Still, there is something to be said for a back and forth, Q & A type format.

Alex Relyea


In fact I am good to go presenting the annual TD workshop given at the U.S. Open via Skype. All that US Chess needs to do is approve it as an individual or group workshop that counts for TD Credit (well, and negotiate with moi). I am but a step or two away from doing the same thing for an organizer’s workshop. But neither project (IMHO) will make it to any of the “powers that be” to-do agenda (history is a fine teacher). But fret not, I intend to work outside of the the system and offer both workshops on my own–yep, it will probably cost me (and you) $$$. As I retire from active TD and organizing duties I aim at projects like this.

I would definitely be interested in attending an online forum with a panel of organizers/TDs and I think the Q and A would be the best part of the seminar. FIDE provides these kinds of online seminars for people who are unable to travel to attend them - i actually took my IO seminar and exam online through such a forum while being abroad myself.