Reasons people are put in chess Hall of Fames

Washington State Chess Federation is thinking of having a Hall of Fame. Looking for other hall of
fames and the reasons people are put in. Have found the Idaho one. Guess it is probably normal to
have a bio of the person plus a picture. Since Washington started a publication in 1947 there is a lot of
known history so there are a lot of people to choice from.

Don’t select folks who sued your group for millions of dollars.

I would either focus on those who have served your state association well, or those affiliated with your state who have demonstrated chess excellence, or a combination of those.

Putting dead people in makes it less likely that something will develop that will make you wish you hadn’t added them but it makes the party less fun.

Someone proposed having a Hall if Fame when I was on the Board. We decided it wasn’t worth it. Too much bickering.

Less bickering over dead people generally. Not always though

Does the world need more than a single Chess Hall of Fame? -The one in St. Louis seems to be the gold standard for Chess Halls of Fame, at least in the Western Hemisphere anyway.

In any event, the people that built the hall of fame makes the rules and decides who get’s inducted.

I’m not really sure the world even needs a single hall of fame, but it got built and people will come.

Jim, you’re thinking of a physical location. I think if a state does one it’s just going to be names on a list, maybe a plaque.