SafeSport Training Information now being checked during validation

The Tournament Validation programming has been updated to check on the SafeSport training status of all TDs in events.

Until June 1st, this will only be an alert, so no action needs to be taken regarding SafeSport training status in events being validated before then.

Please report any problems to

The office staff pull updated reports on SafeSport training once a week and it might take several days after a TD passes their SafeSport training for that updated status to show during event validation.

Updates to SafeSport information on MSA are still pending.


What percentage of TDs have completed the training now - I think I saw around 800 on the main SafeSport hub?

MSA should now have SafeSport information for all current TDs on the TD tab. (Non-TDs who have taken the training do not currently show up, we’re working on that.)

Here’s a breakdown of the status by TD type and certification taken for current TDs. (Anyone who has just recently taken the training might not have had that posted to their member record yet.)

| TD Level    |     TDs  | not_trained | lapsed | trained | refresher | refresher2 |
| ANTD        |       20 |           9 |      0 |      11 |         0 |          0 |
| Club        |     2346 |        1997 |      2 |     302 |         2 |          1 |
| Local       |      806 |         589 |      2 |     209 |         2 |          0 |
| Senior      |      260 |         135 |      0 |     118 |         2 |          0 |
| NTD         |      116 |          44 |      1 |      60 |         1 |          0 |

Thank you. Hopefully this changes radically in the next month, or USCF will have basically killed off the Club TD.

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That adds up to 700 TDs (or 708) of the 728 people listed as Safe Sport certified.
When I checked on March 6 these were the numbers:
As of 3/6/2024 there are 104 NTDs (51 SafeSport certified including 51 of the 62 active in the last year - add 9 more since March), 18 ANTDs (8 SS certified including 7 of the 15 active in the last year - add 3 more since March), 234 SrTDs (82 SS certified including 81 of the 201 active in the last year - add 17 more since March), 711 LTDs (143 SS certified including 134 of the 557 active in the last year - add 66 since March) and 1721 CTDs (175 SS certified including 133 of the 1005 active in the last year - add 127 since March).
There are TDs that only direct during the school year and don’t direct over the summer. I’ve spoken to some of them (even up to the Senior TD level) that will take the training in August or September to delay when they are paying. I would expect a number of Club TDs to be in that boat.

Are you using different numbers than Mike?

He lists 2346 Club TDs now, and you listed 1721 Club TDs from March, but I think it unlikely we got 625 more Club TDs signed up in the last 2 months…

I’m sure Jeff is pulling data from different places than I am, and there’s always a possibility that I am not correctly processing some of the SafeSport data I’m pulling from CIVI-CRM. The way CIVI-CRM stores SafeSport data is not designed for easy query writing. :sigh:

I’d need specific examples to check my coding.

As an example of looking at different data, I show 2346 current (5/1/24 or later) Club TDs, and 639 of these have been a chief TD in an event since June 1, 2023. Someone who was listed as an assistant TD or whose certification has lapsed would not be counted.

In posting TD SafeSport data to MSA, I only included TDs whose certification is either current or lapsed less than 90 days ago. If there are lapsed TDS who have taken SafeSport training, I would probably not have updated or counted them.

Jeff, do you want me to send you a list of NTDs and ANTDs with the SafeSport coding I have for them?

Yet another way of slicing and dicing the data, this shows all TDs who have been current members and current TDs at any time in the current fiscal year, excluding those who are not active (deceased, duplicate, etc.) and the number of events they have been listed as having worked at in any capacity since 6/1/2023.

events count club local senior antd ntd
------ ----- ---- ----- ------ ---- ---
0       1370 1047   230     50    2  39
1        126   98    21      4    1   2
2        180  141    31      6    0   2
3         93   57    25      9    0   2
4        123   93    26      2    1   1
5         73   55    16      1    0   1
6         91   67    21      3    0   0
7         67   42    18      6    0   1
8         68   48    18      0    2   0
10-14    239  150    63     20    1   5
15-24    153   82    56     12    1   2
20-24    147   73    49     18    2   5
25-29    107   53    36      9    1   8
30+      595  237   205    108    9  36
all     3479 2271   831    251   20 104

Doing data analysis always reminds me of the old saying that a man who has a watch knows what time it is but a man who has two watches is never sure.

Note that nearly half of the TDs who were listed as having been Club TDs did not appear as having worked in any events. Requiring SafeSport training is likely cut down on the number of people who sign up as club TDs, but perhaps not as much on the number who actually want to work as TDs.

I pulled all the then active TDs from TD/A going with a global pull for each of NTD, ANTD, SrTD and LTD. CTD was too much for a global pull so I had to pull it by state code groups and any CTDs that did not have a state code, or had a foreign or territory code, would not have been pulled. If Mike was including expired or non-member TDs then his numbers would be significantly higher. I know that I found one person Safe Sport certified that was not on the TD list and that was because the person had recently let the US Chess membership expire (renewal of the membership put the person back on the TD list). PS I considered inactive to not have been listed for any tournament in the 12 months ending in Feb 2024.
It is a mildly tedious process to pull and a very tedious process to flag who is Safe Sport certified (the webpage with that list is by first name) so I haven’t tried to do it again. If the web page included the ID number then it would be easier to compare.

I sent several notes to the office pointing out records that appeared to have data issues, data correction is a never-ending task.

I agree with you that not having the ID makes the SafeSport certified TD list harder to use.

It appears we have somewhere around 90 members who are not current TDs but have taken the SafeSport training. We’re working on getting their data posted on MSA.

It looks like the Refresher 3 course is not being entered into US Chess records yet, this may be a CIVI-CRM admin issue. As far as I can tell, only one US Chess TD has taken Refresher 3 so far.

I did another TD/A pull and found:
NTD 103 (62 with TD/A active entries in the past year)
ANTD 20 (17 active as above)
Senior 239 (200 active)
Local 720 (575 active)
Club 1815 (1078 active as above) (50 state codes + DC + PR only)

I noticed that there were 310 more zero-tournament club TDs in Nolan’s list than in mine (1047 vs 737). Also 84 more Local TDs with all zeros. That makes me wonder if there are more zero-activity TDs that Nolan can see than I can.

In addition there is one Club TD from ON (no activity in the past year) and five Local TDs without a state code. If there are any Club TDs without a state code then they were not pulled.

After some discussion with Jeff, I suspect the main difference in our numbers is that for the ‘active in the last year’ list I looked at everyone who was an active member and TD during the year, not just those who are active members and TDs now.

Also, I believe we have now updated MSA to show SafeSport Training for non-TDs. (Still on the TD page, though.) The procedure for updating MSA SafeSport information is still a bit in flux, we might not update the non-TDs very often.

By the way,
In October of last year when I pulled all TDs there were 2730 of all levels that were then-current members and then-currently certified.
On March 6 of this year the number was 2791
Yesterday it was 2898 (including the ON CTD that wasn’t pulled).

It looks like the TDs that are letting their certifications or memberships expire are being fully replaced and then some.
There are 1852 current TDs with activity in the past year. 730 already show up on Safe Play and if what I’ve heard is correct and about 20% of the Safe Play registrants did not provide their US Chess ID (making them unlinkable) then that may already account for half of the active TDs. TDs from MI have said that many of them will be taking Safe Play training in May (to get the longest bang for their buck). In IL there are TDs that only do scholastics and are planning to defer paying for the Safe Play training until August or early September. If that scholastic-TD-only decision is mirrored in other states then the sudden inactivation at the beginning of June will be less of a problem than many people will make it out to be.

I also anticipate that we will have a lot of TDs taking the training in June and July when they discover that the deadline will not be pushed out.

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Here’s a page showing the SafeSport training status of all current members, whether current TDs or not.

(This page was last updated on 5/14/24.)

What’s the current lag time - I’m going to need for the refresher status to be updated in the relatively near future?

It looks like about 200-odd TDs got trained from July 1 to September 18, but that still leaves over 1000 Club and Local TDs not trained.


SafeSport data has to be gleaned from reports provided by SafeSport which are apparently not easy to automate processing of because there isn’t always a member ID in the SafeSport report to match up with US Chess member records.

A report is generally pulled every Monday and it may take several hours to update the CIVI-CRM database.

If TDs email a copy of their training certificate to the membership/ratings staff, they can update the TD’s CIVI-CRM record from that.

Once a TD’s SafeSport data has been added to the CIVI-CRM member record, it is immediately available for use in validating tournaments.

Updates of the SafeSport data on a TD’s MSA record and generation of the summary report is also done weekly. The numbers on the summary report go up and down because only current certified TDs who are also current members are shown, so if a TD’s membership or TD certification lapses, that TD would no longer be included in the summary report. (The first update in a new month will reflect that drop in the number of current certified TDs.)

In March there were 1721 CTDs with 1005 active in the prior 12 months. Now there are 1821 CTDs with 854 trained.
There were 711 LTDs with 557 active in the prior 12 months. Now there are 741 LTDs with 510 trained.
There were 239 SrTDs with 201 active. Now there are 243 SrTDs with 194 trained.
There were 18 ANTDs with 15 active. Now there are 24 ANTDs with 20 trained.
There were 104 NTDs with 62 active. Now there are 102 NTDs with 69 trained.

An inactive TD has less of a reason to take training. Comparing trained vs active as of March we are running behind by 151 CTDs, 47 LTDs, 7 SrTDs (at least one passed the training late this week so that is one more), and we are ahead with ANTDs and NTDs.

I am not sure where the numbers will land by the end of October.