I won the USCF-rated quad at the CSCC and took the lead in the Tuesday Night Chess Tour. … 2-12728345
Also, there is a new page about club benefits, including Supporting Membership and the Chess Tour:
Don’t forget about the Colorado Springs Open this weekend!
The events shown below are ones that have been or will be advertised in Chess Life or Chess Life for Kids:
Date Event Location TLA in Affiliate
2013-03-02 Manitou Springs: Colorado Springs Open Manitou Springs CO 2013-02 CL A5012031
Read The Newsletter!
( … sky-s-trap )
- Game Of The Week: Spassky’s Trap
- This Week In Chess: Quad Results
- Game Viewer: Paul Anderson v Dean Brown ( )
- Tuesday Night Chess Tour Standings
- Video:
2012 Calendar Of Events for the Colorado Springs Chess Club:
For additional events, see the following websites:
Denver Chess Club: DCC (
Colorado State Chess Association: CSCA (
Wyoming Chess Association: WCA (
Kansas Chess Association: KCA (
ps - Newsletter preview with pgn:
Game Of The Week
This week’s game comes from my most common USCF opponent, Dean Brown (+24=2-6). After setting his record as the highest rated opponent beaten, I have been taking things a little more carefully against him. Prior to the October 2012 upset, I hadn’t lost to him since 2006, and I guess I was getting complacent.
I thought I was Bobby Fischer to his Boris Spassky. I was the youthful up-and-comer while he was the aged veteran, who was past his prime. I thought I had broken him. However, the upset proved I was no Bobby Fischer.
So, instead of trying to play like Bobby, I tried to play like Boris.
Dean and I reached this position after I played b3. My hope was that he would grab the pawn on h2 much like Fischer did in game 1 of the 1972 World Chess Championship. I would trap the bishop with g3 and win the piece with a quick Nf3. However, Dean was not biting.
[Event “February Quad”]
[Site “”]
[Date “2013.02.26”]
[Round “3.2”]
[White “Anderson, Paul”]
[Black “Brown, Dean”]
[Result “1-0”]
[ECO “A45”]
[WhiteElo “2031”]
[BlackElo “1583”]
[PlyCount “91”]
[EventDate “2013.02.26”]
[TimeControl “1800”]
- d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 h6 3. Bxf6 exf6 4. e3 b6 5. Be2
Bb7 6. Bf3 Bxf3 7. Nxf3 d5 8. O-O Bd6 9. c4 c6 10. cxd5 cxd5 11. Qa4+ Qd7 12.
Qxd7+ Nxd7 13. Nc3 O-O 14. Nxd5 Rac8 15. Rfc1 b5 16. Kf1 Rfe8 17. Ke2 Nb8 18.
Kd2 Nc6 19. Rc2 Nb4 20. Rxc8 Rxc8 21. Nxb4 Bxb4+ 22. Kd3 f5 23. a4 a6 24. axb5
axb5 25. Ra7 Bd6 26. Rb7 b4 27. Nd2 Rb8 28. Rxb8+ Bxb8 29. b3 Bd6 30. Kc4 Bxh2 - f4 Bg1 32. Kd3 g5 33. Nf3 Bf2 34. fxg5 hxg5 35. Nxg5 Bg3 36. Kc4 Bd6 37.
Kd5 Be7 38. Nh3 Kg7 39. Ke5 Kg6 40. Nf4+ Kg5 41. Nd3 Kg4 42. d5 Bg5 43. Nf4 f6+ - Ke6 Bxf4 45. exf4 Kxf4 46. d6 1-0
Peace be with you,
Paul Anderson
Chess Coach (
Cell: 719-233-1426
Facebook: paul.anderson.904750
Twitter: @cschessnews
Youtube: cschessnews