submission error "not a current member type"


I left voicemail and sent email to the US Chess office for an issue today (ps. voicemail box for membership is full). While I wait for their reply, I thought a timely, informed response could come from the forums.

Today, 9/1, I submitted a tournament that ended yesterday, 8/31: uploaded SwissSys files, entered needed info, chose No TLA and validated the event. One player was flagged for an expired membership but he was current through 8/31. Next to his expiration date is the red text “Not a Current Member Type” and under his name are 3 choices: $20 for a 2 month membership, $10 for TD error correction fee and “Membership Issue Unresolved” which was selected by default.

I contacted the player who promptly renewed online with a debit card (not by check) so his MSA immediately reflected a new expiration. I tried validating the event on the grounds that the MSA data would be read again with current info. It wasn’t. I entered “copy 2” of the event on the grounds that the MSA data is only read once when the event is entered. It still showed the same error although he was now current. That is the “Membership Issue Unresolved” is still unresolved.

Back to the original event submission, I noticed the status now says “No Errors Found, Ready to Release” except the same error info is still shown in the player’s wall chart position.

So, is it a good status message with a UI problem or a bad status message and a correct UI output? And most importantly, what if I believe the status and “Release Event for Submission?” Will I be in a loop that only the office can fix, or can I get lucky?

p.s. the player mentioned he got email today about the expiration. It would be nice if that notice could be a month earlier so players can just renew. Yes, I know SwissSys can generate an expiration report. I just forgot to check in August.

If the validation program says it is OK for submission, you’re good to go even if a membership isn’t showing up in the editing crosstable. That’s due to lags in how/when memberships are updated on the 3 different servers we use. The validation check program can look at the live database server, the MSA server cannot.

These temporal issues usually clear up quickly, which makes testing workarounds for this issue challenging because by the time someone tells us about it, it may already be resolved.

Thanks for the good advice. By the time I got back to trying your suggestion, the errors had cleared and I submitted the event! :smiley:

I’ve often had a delay between the member showing in MSA and being valid in the TD/A submission. If a membership is purchased at 6:45 PM for an evening quick-rated-only tournament that starts at 7 PM then it is not available yet for rating at 9:30 PM but seems to be available by the following afternoon.

There’s a refresh process that runs several times an hour, but if there are a lot of records to update on MSA (and those updates might not have anything to do with a membership transaction), it could take multiple refresh cycles before it catches up.

With the previous refresh process, an update could fail due to communication issues between servers, I suspect that can still happen.

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