Membership issue

The following player has signed up for a tournament I will be directing. In the first link given below, it says his US Chess membership expires on 6/30/2022. In the second link given below, it says he is not a US Chess member. Anyone know why there would be this discrepancy here? … %5Bmax%5D=

It looks like the Civi-CRM to MSA update didn’t get done for this member record, though I don’t know why. If you click on the link to the MSA page for the player, you get the same ‘not a member’ message.

We had similar problems in the old Gambit-to-MSA update process, I always assumed it was due to a temporary network problem between the two sites, that could happen between the Civi-CRM site and the MSA site as well. I don’t know how they deal with those kinds of failures, though.

If I submit the tournament for rating, will it flag this player as not having US Chess membership?

When I entered him into SwissSys 10 via “Players”, “Register”, “Search online”, it flagged his US Chess membership as “Non/Member/”.

I don’t know where SwisSys goes to check a member record online.

The tournament validation module uses a materialized view of the memmast table that is refreshed from the Civi-crm system at least twice a day. If it doesn’t find an active member record there, it checks the Civi-crm system directly. (Only a small percentage of the member lookups have to go to the Civi-crm system, so this recent change allowed the tournament validation program to operate much faster.)

So, it SHOULD pass validation if the membership is valid in Civi-crm, regardless of what is on the MSA system.

I checked the matview and this member shows as a current member with a 2022 expiration date.

Thanks Mike!

The “official” thin client seems to work OK. SwisSys may be using Al Losoff’s version

which, at the moment, comes up with

uscfid name state expires rating quick blitz supp fideid title country TD sex 30217040 DYER,ADRIAN OR 0000-00-00 0 0 0000-00-00 N

The official thin client (the one I wrote) goes to Gambit, so it should be as up to date as the last refresh of that materialized view, ie, 12-15 hours. But if someone says to the TD at the registration desk of an event at 9 AM, “I just renewed online”, it won’t reflect that until after the next refresh. These currently occur at about 3AM and 6PM, and take about an hour each, so even doing them twice a day is a load on the network.

Does someone in the US Chess office have the ability to go in manually to this players MSA page and correct what his MSA page says about his membership?

As I understand it, they have a tool that forces an update of the MSA record, but I don’t have access to it. There SHOULD be a tool that periodically checks to make sure that the MSA records are all up to date (we had one in the old system, because, well, updates fail), but I don’t know if they’ve ever implemented that fail-safe measure.

Judy Misner in the US Chess office has fixed the membership expiration date listed on his MSA page.