TDCC-Annual report, draft

Here is the draft of our TDCC Annual Report that will appear in the Delegate’s Call:

By Tim Just

TDCC Members 2010-1011: Tim Just, (Chair), Guy Hoffman, Carol Jarecki, Alan Losoff, Joe Lux, John McCumiskey, Mike Somers, Ernie Schlich, Jeff Wiewel, Edward Conway, Charles Hatherill, Francisco Guadalupe, Randy Hough, Ken Ballou, Alex Relyea, Tom Langland, Tracey Vibbert

One new member joined the TDCC in 2011, Tracey Vibbert. One member of the TDCC resigned due to his new contracted duties with USCF, Al Losoff.

So far this year the TDCC has ruled on two cases. Both cases were resolved in favor of the TD. The $25 good faith deposit was not returned. .

  1. A dispute over the position on the board not matching the complaining scholastic player’s score was resolved in favor of the opponent, whose score matched the board position, by the TD. The TD’s decision was upheld.

  2. A scholastic game in the last round of a tournament went unreported. The floor TD interviewed other players near the game and one of the players while scoring a win for Player A (Player B could not be found). Later (after the awards ceremony), Player B claimed the game was a draw. Player B claimed a draw offer was accepted when both players shook hands. Player A claims Player B resigned with a handshake in a lost position after a move by Player A. The Chief TD interviewed both players and went over the game score. The Chief TD ruled Player A had won. The TD’s decision was upheld.

Three waivers were granted. One involved a substitution for an NTD experience requirement (two slightly smaller RRs for the larger RR requirement, and only if all other requirements were met). The other two waivers involved partial waivers allowing TDs with a certification lower than NTD to be the chiefs of National tournaments as long as an NTD was available for consultation for the event (The U.S. Blind and the US G/15 Chess Championship).

The chair continued to field questions regarding TD certification from TDs seeking advice on upgrading their TD status. Further, the chair worked with the USCF office in dealing with the procedures for most of the duties regarding TD Certification being assigned to a different staff member after the departure of Phil Smith (Phil still has some limited duties in that area).

I am happy to see the TDCC (as well as Rules and Ethics) not returning the $25 from time to time. Sends a good message to players with frivolous appeals. (And these two, from your description, seem highly frivolous.)

Bill Smythe