Does anyone know that date this change goes into effect?
The Board did not specify a date, so they will take effect as soon as some programming changes are made to support them, probably around the end of September.
This motion appears to be incompletely quoted as Junior TMs will cost $7.
Bill Goichberg
Terry_Vibbert:EB07 – 115 – Goichberg – Tournament Memberships (TMs)will be revised as follows: All adult TMs will cost $12, of which $10 can be applied to a regular adult membership. Junior TMs, of which $5 may be applied to a Young Adult, Youth, or Scholastic Membership. PASSED 4-1 with Sam Sloan opposed.
Does anyone know that date this change goes into effect?
This motion appears to be incompletely quoted as Junior TMs will cost $7.
Bill Goichberg
Well, considering the source, I believe your assessment would not be setting a precedent.