Can someone with CM9000 do me a favor?

My DVD-Rom drive on my old computer is not working and thus it cannot check to see if I have the disk for the CM9000 anti-piracy check. The disk is too scratched up to install on another computer (but if the drive had been working, it would have at least noted the disk).

Here’s what I am looking for: somebody to let me email them my personally created CM9000 propietary database files, to load them using the CM9000 program, and then export them to a single new .pgn file which they could email me back. Unfortunately, CM 10th edition which I also own does not read CM9000 database files. Also, registering for customer help on their site is not working for me. I could do this with working hardware in about three minutes.

Please give me a pm/reply if you can help with this, or if you have an alternate solution. Thanks, I’d be very appreciative.

Diskless option suggested via PM.

Thanks to all those who helped out! This issue has now been resolved. Peace.