Ordering crosstable for event

I’ve received an event crosstable by e-mail in the past but can’t get it to work now. I know the USCF is still transitioning it’s web site, so let me know if I’m in the wrong area, but I can’t find this from the new site.

I go into the Members Only section:

I click on ‘Order a crosstable for any event (delivered by e-mail)’, select the event, and click on ‘Request Crosstable’.

I get:

I’ve set my e-mail address several times on ‘Change your e-mail address and TLA Mail settings’ on the same page (and waited a day or so) but it doesn’t seem to take.

Any ideas on what I’m missing or is the feature gone?


Oops, a bug. Fixed now. Good catch.

I’m not sure why you weren’t getting confirmation notices on email address updates, so it’s possible there’s still a problem with delivering email to you.

D#mn your good! Less than 10 minute turnaround. Now if I could only get help from my cellphone company in less than a week…


No, I got e-mail confirms on the updates I made. I just couldn’t tell if they really took, other than the confirm e-mail. The update page didn’t show the old address, but I thought that might be a security feature.

BTW, I got the crosstable e-mail for the event I was looking for. Thanks again!
