Just a quick update. I’m not going to post a game this time. Couple developments in the positive.
First, I’m getting much better than coming out ahead in longer combinations. That is combinations that are long enough that I have to calculate on the assumption that the opponent is chomping on the bit for an offensive move. -Any other move would be a neutral or defensive move not needing me to spend time on a response.
It’s pretty obvious usually that the opponent is gearing up for an exchange, even when I was a worse player. Nevertheless, it definitely needs me to calculate a response, and not just hope for a good move.
Second, I’m getting better, but not where I want to be yet, with dealing with aggressive players that go for that sort of offensive crap one would expect in a 2 minute game in Washington Park in NYC.
I had a game the other day in which the opponent, I was playing the Sicilian Defense, sacrificed his knight on move 4 or 5 for an attack. Needless to say, it was apparent it was some sort of pet line he was playing. After trapping his queen many moves later, with no way for him to even get a pawn for queen, the opponent resigned. He was trying to get it so most of my pieces were in the way and not usable, but as “useless” as my pieces were, he couldn’t actually chop off my king from escaping. Once my king was safe, I had all sorts of pieces to counter attack his offense, which consisted of only his queen and rook. Reckless as best. I guess the opponent was used to just steam rolling over weaker players. I did exactly 2 subtle offensive moves, so… he was in panic mode after the 3rd, very much NOT SUBTLE move. ( I happened to play the game on a browser in guest mode, so the game wasn’t saved.)
The opponent had a choice on how to take my pawn, he decided to ignore it and go for a queen move. The alternative was that if he took the pawn, I would have exchanged my knight and a pawn for his bishop and a pawn with check against his king. Completely shattering any sort of meager defense he had for his king. By ignoring my pawn, I took his pawn in a2 and was 1 move from queening. He chose to ignore that queening of a pawn and try and mate me with his queen and rook, but in panic mode, he blundered his queen.
A few months ago I would have been in sheer panic mode from that sort of reckless offense, and it’s hard to really calculate in that sort of state of mind.
Chess is interesting. For a lot of games, you can play by feel and just picking good moves and if your opponent gives you an edge, just be there to take advantage of it. But there are times when you just have to calculate, and out calculate your opponent. As I’m improving, calculating is getting better, even when the board looks less than hopeful.
But I still have trouble with those super aggressive players and I’d say I’m maybe 40% successful at winning against those players. As far as I can tell, the only way to combat those is to wait for a tempo and then then find a counter attack that’s strong enough the opponent is forced to deal with it. No time for passive defense moves when I’ve already been on the defense for most of the game.
More often than not, the first offensive move looks passive or at least not aggressive at first glance, so the opponent only deals with it after a 2nd tempo move. By then, they have to abandon their attack at least. It’s not a guaranteed win, but certainly putting the opponent on defense in a sudden manner makes my game at least playable.
A counter offense is NOT trying to shoo away your opponents attacking pieces. That’s what they want. I have to find an actual offense against the opponent’s king to have any chance of winning against those types of players. Not an easy task though.